Venus & Lilith. Where Light and Dark meet. A reflection of the soul's true essence
THE LANGUAGE OF ASTROLOGY allows us to understand and connect with different areas of our lives—from the most personal, to the obscure.
Truth is, there is no such thing as black or white in our reality. We are multidimensional beings, able to deepen our thinking and connection with our environment by unravelling the secrets that lie within us using our intuition as a guide. The connection between Venus and Lilith depicts the true essence of the soul, the birth of one’s true self and identity, transmuted into flesh and bones. Our raw and untamed side meets the brightest, most authentic part of our soul—our spirituality.
Venus and Lilith represent the union between light and shadow, and how purity and desire can coexist. Though in order to understand this connection, we first need to delve into each of the archetypes separately and their myths. Venus in Astrology is considered one of the personal planets, meaning her aspects, signs and transits will feel very tangible (or personal) to us. Traditionally, Venus is connected with Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and grace. Venus in a natal chart rules not only love, but also our possessions and desires. When we look at the ancient myths, it is quite ironic for me that the goddess of love was born out of war.
In ancient Greek mythology, the birth of Venus tells the story of how Aphrodite was born when Kronos (Saturn, lord of time and sacrifice) turned against his father Ouranus (Uranus, lord of heaven and enlightenment) and decides to castrate him —dropping his testicles into the ocean that ended up fertilising the sea. The name Aphrodite comes from the Greek word ‘aphros’ which means ‘sea foam’ produced by the violent ocean waves. There is a very thin line between pain and pleasure, though both can be seen through the archetype of Venus. This myth symbolises how something beautiful can be born from a bad/painful situation. The birth of new hope, purpose, and future.
ON THE OTHER HAND, the Lilith we will begin to describe, is also referred to as Black Moon Lilith in Astrology (and I feel it is important to state this since there are different Liliths in astrology, one of them being an asteroid). Black Moon Lilith is not an object but a mathematical point between the Earth and the Moon that always remains in the shadows. The Moon in Astrology is connected to our emotions, instincts and intuition. I sadly often see articles talking about Black Moon Lilith as one’s traumas, misfortune and suffering, however I like to refer to Black Moon Lilith as the untamed, raw, unfiltered part of ourselves that may clash with what is expected from us, creating a sense of discomfort and, in a way, rejection.
The mythology of Lilith goes far in history to Babylonian times, when the figure of Lilith was referred to as the untamed spouse of Adan. She refused to live under a specific law and reclaimed her sovereignty. She was true to herself and would not submit to any God or man, that is why she was expelled from Eden as she sought to fulfil her own pleasure. When looking at astrology, we can identify one’s power struggles by looking at their Lilith and Pluto placements. There is no specific theory as to what sign rules Lilith. However, from personal experience reading ancient texts and other books/articles—we could say Lilith feels at home in the sign of Scorpio, which is the opposite sign to Taurus (one of Venus’ domiciles). Here we begin to understand the correlation between both myths. How in many cases we have been forced to deny our desires in order to be accepted or loved. Both Venus and Lilith seek the same thing—pleasure. The appreciation of the beauty of life and how our feelings make us feel alive. Yes, both good and bad. Venus and Lilith invite us to reclaim our sovereignty by fully accepting who we are without dimming our light.
While Astrological interpretations tend to revolve around the signs, I have a different way to interpret Lilith and her meanings which is directly connected to the houses. Each house is ruled by one of the signs, so in a way, we are also encapsulating the essence of the signs within the houses. Though, I feel it is easier to understand all the different layers within the archetype of Lilith and its connection to Venus by primarily referring to the houses.
1ST HOUSE (ruled by Aries):
Venus in the first house depicts our body as a temple. We take pleasure from the things that energise us—exercise, movement, adrenaline, activity and training. Venus invites us to witness and appreciate the miracle of life that resides within us. Lilith in the first house, however, represents one’s judgement about their body, body image (body dysmorphia) and its abilities, how we deprive ourselves from the things that make us feel good inside-out and how we can also become our worst critics by comparing ourselves to others. Negative aspected Lilith can turn into overtraining or seeking pleasure by receiving spikes of endorphins or adrenaline as a form of escapism.
2ND HOUSE (ruled by Taurus):
Venus in the second house reaches her home; she makes one appreciative of the beauty surrounding them, turning them into seekers of luxury, comfort and pleasure—from a cozy meal to a bubble bath enjoying a glass of wine. On the other hand, Lilith in the second house depicts the thin line between seeking pleasure versus overindulging. In many cases, Lilith in the second house is seen as gluttony, or not knowing when to feelcontent or simply stop. When receiving harsh aspects, it can turn into severe eating disorders, drug addictions or overspending issues (especially connected to money).
3RD HOUSE (ruled by Gemini):
Venus in the third house has a very receptive synergy due to its second domicile in Libra, providing one with thirst for knowledge, makes one good with words and languages, and allows one to be a quick learner. Lilith in the third house, though, can manifest as insecurities regarding their intellect, making them feel they will never know enough about something to actually speak, teach, or fulfil some work around it. This can result in an endless pursuit of knowledge—that turns into anxiety and overthinking.
4TH HOUSE (ruled by Cancer):
Venus in the fourth house makes one appreciative of their personal space, seeking ways to find inner peace and security. Many times, this is reflected in their home—from the architecture, to the decoration, and the colours and materials used for the furniture and other elements around the house. Lilith in the fourth house often manifests as chaotic or messy environments that can shake off one’s stability and peace. It is important to note that harshly aspected Lilith in the fourth house can create some rejection towards any of the parental figures.
5TH HOUSE (ruled by Leo):
Venus in the fifth house is the embodiment of the phrase ‘carpe diem’ in a human form, making one a fun seeker. They’ll often engage in activities where they can enjoy themselves and rejoice in the present moment, forgetting about past events and future responsibilities—ife is too short! However, Lilith in the fifth house can turn that playfulness into mindlessness, dissociating someone from their reality, and over investing their time and energy into seeking that enjoyment to the point they end up losing themselves. Lilith in the fifth house with difficult aspects can turn into gambling, immaturity and dissociation.
6TH HOUSE (ruled by Virgo):
Venus in the sixth house makes one a true alchemist, helping them see the magic that lies within the mundane world. Those with Venus in the sixth house understand the power of routine and find true enjoyment by being in service to others, making them appreciative of the small things in life. Lilith in the sixth house is often manifested as disorganisation and imbalance, often due to poor time management. In more severe cases when Lilith is receiving harsh aspects, Lilith in the sixth house can be manifested as poor health, often connected to digestive issues or food intolerances, as well as anxiety or being prone to experience panic attacks.
7TH HOUSE (ruled by Libra):
Venus finds its second home in the sign of Libra, making someone with Venus in the seventh house charming, intellectual, and alluring. Venus in the seventh house is romantic at heart, finding beauty in the process of falling in love (whether that applies to a specific relationship, life, work, etc). When Lilith is in the seventh house, however, it can turn that romanticism into obsession, making someone haunted by love and seeking reciprocation. Harshly aspected Lilith in the fifth house can make someone a victim of emotional abuse because of their tendency to romanticise their reality/partners.
8TH HOUSE (ruled by Scorpio):
Venus in the eight house are psychics by nature, they are strongly attracted to the world of the unseen. They are able to see through the veil. Intuition is their main form of existence, they feel or see things before they happen. Lilith in the eighth house is often depicted by trust issues, because they do not trust anybody but themselves. In a way, this masks a need for control by relying on protection. Difficult aspects to Lilith in the eighth can make someone violent and have tendencies towards self‑harm.
9TH HOUSE (ruled by Sagittarius):
Venus in the ninth house makes one an adventure seeker, often finding appreciation in foreign lands. They see the expansion that comes from opening their horizons to new experiences. They appreciate the richness there is in other cultures, from foods, traditions and beliefs. Lilith in the ninth house, though, can make someone hesitant to expand their values because of a deep fear of rejection. This can end up in a toxic cycle of trying to fit into a box yet feeling disconnected from their true self.
10TH HOUSE (ruled by Capricorn):
Venus in the tenth house seeks to build an empire to pass on to others. Legacy is their form of inspiration—they do not seek to inspire others with their words but with their actions. Venus in the tenth house can make one innovative, and resolute—a true leader. On the other hand, Lilith in the tenth house often manifests as a deep sense of inadequacy, making one think they are not good enough. This can lead to cycles where one has the constant need to prove themselves, especially at a young age. Hash aspects to Lilith in the tenth can manifest as a missing parental figure (often connected to the father).
11TH HOUSE (ruled by Aquarius):
Venus in the eleventh house seeks connection through humanitarian causes—they are warriors fighting for people’s values and voices. They can see past one’s limitations and are future oriented; they will not take a ‘no’ as an answer. If you can dream it, you can do it. Lilith in the eleventh house, however, can manifest as social anxiety, especially when being surrounded with large groups of people. Lilith in the eleventh house can also manifest as feelings of no belonging, feeling out of place and in an identity crisis.
12TH HOUSE (ruled by Pisces):
Venus in the twelfth house are dream weavers by nature— they are reality travellers and shapeshifters. Their imagination knows no bounds, making them incredibly empathetic and deeply connected to any form of art, whether painting, writing, signing, etc., helping them create new worlds for others to explore. On the other hand, Lilith in the twelfth house is often manifested as being unable to ask for help, making one believe they need to be sufficient in everything they do or sacrifice their own needs to make others happy. They lock themselves away in a specific mind space that keeps them trapped, away from the external world. Harshly aspected Lilith in the twelfth house can turn into depression and paranoia.
I hope this article helped you understand the union between Venus and Lilith, shining a light in the darkness.
Thanks for sharing the facts of the Lillith moon (mirror). I can see me perfectly now! This calls for a celebration of my liberation from all afflictions in my natal chart. The genius of your wisdom is so worthy of honor and praise 💕 thank you to everyone that made this website available to all!!!
A wonderfully intentional and insightful article. Thank you!
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