Partial Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Aries

TIME 12:12 AM EST | 5:12 AM BST 
direction, manifestation, vision, purpose
“I am grateful for everything I am and everything I have. I am expanding my vision beyond limits. I am acquiring a new level of wealth and abundance of all sorts.”
The New Moon in Aries is reaching its peak at 29º, the second New Moon in Aries during this Aries season, which is a bit unusual making this lunation *extra* special.
This is not the only highlight to discuss during this lunation. 2023 is the year of major changes and transitions, one of them being the eclipses moving from the Taurus and Scorpio axis to the Aries and Libra axis, wrapping up a year and a half transit activation and opening the doors to a new cycle.
In traditional astrology, the nodes of the moon and therefore eclipses were considered always inauspicious. If you think about it, it kind of makes sense, the light of the sun is suddenly blocked out by the Moon, so it feels there is an interruption of the usual line of natural events.
It is uncertain how eclipses work in Astrology, and it is even harder to predict and foretell how events will unfold over time since the first activation, however there are always subtle hints as to what to expect which become increasingly prominent as time goes on. What we know is that eclipses seem to work as portals, opening and closing chapters in our lives. That is why, in most cases, eclipses usually manifest as great beginnings or endings. 
I highly recommend to pay attention to the houses ruled by Aries and Libra in your chart and analyse what topics that could be related to those houses start to manifest from April to October which is the pre-eclipse activation.
Overall, as a collective, the Aries and Libra axis will define new limits in terms of ownership, identity, authority, integrity, equity, harmony and inner truth. Concepts that will become very present and active for a duration of a year and a half.
The New Moon in Aries falls in the III Mansion, which holds the energy of Aries and Taurus as it goes from 25º Aries to 8º Taurus.
This Mansion is referred as ‘The Swarm’ is considered to be one of the most powerful mansions as it is located in the constellation of the Pellaides. As Christopher Warnock said Augurs abundance. It is a positive indication in questions of wealth, prosperity and career. It also may indicate full flowering of art, beauty and creativity. Also carries warning. There can be too much of a good thing. We must be careful not to overindulge our appetites, be it literally in eating and drinking or metaphorically, in our desire for the good things of the material world. Make images to sail safely on the sea and to return safely, and to firmly incarcerate captives, and to complete the works of alchemy, and all works done by fire, and to hunt in the country, and to cause love between man and wife.”
In Agrippas words “It is profitable to sailors, huntsmen, and alchemists.”
This Mansion of the Moon is especially interesting for those who walk the creative path, content creators, artists, or those who are willing to create something for themselves, adding their personal touch and take on what has already been done. I like to describe this energy as a powerful visionary influx. Channelling a new vision and manifesting it into the world.
I have been tirelessly talking to clients about how powerful this Aries season is, and how to use this auspicious time for manifestation purposes. We experienced the Jupiter Cazimi only a week ago and Jupiter continues to travel close to the Sun, sitting on a tight conjunction. 
Cazimi is an astrological term that translates as “in the heart”, meaning a planet is purified and recharged by the energy of the Sun, Jupiter in Aries received a big energy boost, which means we can use this energy to our advantage.
During this New Moon in Aries, Venus in Gemini exchanges supportive sextiles to Chiron in Aries while Mars in Cancer is in a good reception with Mercury and Uranus in Taurus.
Venus in Gemini is curious and adaptable, it reminds us old ways will not open new doors and that life is a never ending learning journey. So much of the archetype of Gemini represents approaching a childlike attitude to life – opening ourselves to new experiences that can be foreign, yet they allow us to spark our desire to learn and discover new things. So much of this beautiful energy serves as a tool to heal old wounds we carry represented by Chiron. 
We limit ourselves to believe our reality is merely what we see and what we experience (first person singular aka Aries), however, there is no one single reality, there are infinite possibilities to what we do and who we are, and so during this New Moon in Aries we are being reminder life can be more than what meets the eye, and the fact we are accustomed to a specific outcome does not mean things are meant to be in that way always.
Mercury is currently in its shadow period preparing to station retrograde on May 19th. This is a personal hack I share all the time, but if you want to be ahead of the game when it comes to ANY Mercury retrograde,  the best time to decipher what themes are likely to manifest during that phase is to pay attention to the events that unfold during the shadow phase. This tends to create a mirror effect showing us (in very subtle ways) what Mercury retrograde will mean for us.
During this New Moon in Aries though, Mercury will be sitting close to Uranus and in a positive reception to weakened Mars in Cancer, helping us to connect with the experiences that feel like a warm comfortable blanket, almost cooconing that hit home for us. Mercury is the connector between Mind and Mater, it depicts the magic that happens in the mundane. During this New Moon in Aries I want you to mindfully engage with the things that offer you comfort and pleasure, building a stronger and more holistic approach to your daily rituals. Happiness is found in the small simple things. For some people that means luxurious experiences, for others is the smell of coffee in the morning. 
It does not matter how you define happiness, though in order to experience and appreciate any sort of joy (whether that comes from the material or the emotional) you must be connecting with the present moment, as everything we are and everything we have only lives in the now.
When I lived in Germany 8 years ago, I learned a word called ‘Gemütlichkeit’ which does not have a direct translation to language, however, it can be defined as coziness. I was with a group of friends enjoying some drinks on a park when suddenly one of them gasped and then said out loud – Gemütlichkeit!.
The best way I have to describe it is as a very special feeling you experience in a deep moment of connection with someone or on your own, when this powerful comforting energy runs through you. This is the language what Mercury and Mars are speaking.
I hope you use the energy of this wonderful New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse to your advantage!
Much love,
Maria xx
Journaling prompts for the New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries:
✦ Who am I? Use a line or two to describe yourself
✦ What is my current vision, the one I seek to manifest or expand?
✦ What things matters to me and are currently a priority in my life?
✦ Has your purpose changed? What are you currently focusing in?
✦ What has not been working for you and how are you planning on changing it?
✦ What areas of your life feel out of balance?
✦ Manifestation exercise: write down what you want to manifest and how you envision yourself as you accomplish your goal/s. Make sure you use a simple and straightforward yet detailed description.


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