Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Libra

A reflection to the past

We are closing a year and a half long cycle that has been creating activations in the houses ruled by Aries and Libra in our chart. 

Eclipses in Astrology act as portals, closing and opening new timelines in our lives. For the past year and a half we have been focusing our needs, our independence and authority whilst also understanding how to relate to others and how we see ourselves has an impact in how others perceive us, while now this Solar Eclipse in Libra is reminding us to look deep into our soul and understand the image we see in that reflection. This New Moon acts as a mirror, reflecting back to us what we're meant to see without filters or previous conditions

So much of this lunation is inviting us to look inwards and pay attention to  the queues our body is signalling us, so we slow down and focus on replenishing our energy levels

The Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Libra is happening on the XV Mansion, which is considered inauspicious. Christopher Warnock said "When this mansion appears, it signifies that we should focus our attention on business and the earning of wealth. This Mansion is a positive indication for all questions concerning wealth and prosperity. It often announces the imminent arrival of a positive message or communication regarding money or business." Agrippa also said: "It's profitable for the extracting of treasures, for digging of pits, it helps forward divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies, and hinders travelers."

Within this Mansion we can also find at 13º the Fixed Star Algorab, in the Corvus constellation. Legend: Apollo gave a feast to Jupiter and requiring water sent the raven with a cup (Crater) to fetch some. On his way the raven noticed a fig tree, and, resting there until the figs became ripe, feasted himself upon them until, remembering his errand and fearing the anger of Apollo, he picked up a snake (Hydra) and on his return gave as an excuse that it had prevented him from filling the cup. Apollo ordained in punishment that the raven should never drink so long as figs were not ripe, and placed the raven (Corvus), cup (Crater) and snake (Hydra) in the heavens as a memorial. [Robson, p.40.]

Influences: According to Ptolemy, Corvus is like Mars and Saturn. It is said to give craftiness, greediness, ingenuity, patience, revengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggressiveness, and material instincts, and sometimes causes its natives to become agitators. [Robson, p.41.]

Of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It gives destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging. [Robson].

A Mars-Saturn star that can show up the more troublesome side of Libra, a variation on the truth when an excuse looks to be safer. [The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.175.]

In the Ethereal Orbs Deck, which aims to give a positive outlook to the most inauspicious placement in the Lunar Mansions and Fixed Star realm, this star's poem reads as: "the night will come, and she will hold your fear. It is in the darkness when the moon blazes" – This Solar Eclipse in Libra kind of reminds me of the 'dark night of the soul' we may feel more inclined to look inside ourselves and embrace the Hermit that lives within us, searching for answers or simply taking our time to reflect on the past, the experiences we have had recently, analyse our thoughts and reactions, as we come up with our own conclusion of what this year and a half has taught us about ourselves, our relationships with others, and our path 

Eclipse season is a time to invite reflection, that is why I suggest to my clients to let go of the need to practice any rituals and let go of tight schedules or structures, allowing more flexibility to fill our days, so we can be more present and focused on what we truly need 

Here are some interesting questions to ask yourself for journaling purposes or to use with your favourite card deck during eclipse season:

  1. What changes or transitions am I currently resisting, and why?
    (Reflect on the areas of life where you feel hesitant to let go or move forward.)

  2. What attachments or habits no longer serve my growth?
    (Consider the beliefs, relationships, or routines you’ve outgrown but still cling to.)

  3. How can I embrace the uncertainty that comes with new beginnings?
    (Think about ways to stay open to the unknown, allowing room for growth and expansion.)

  4. What is ending in my life, and how can I honor or release it with gratitude?
    (Acknowledge the closures in your life and find a way to release them with acceptance.)

  5. What opportunities are arising that I haven’t fully recognized yet?
    (Look for new doors that are opening, even if they initially seem challenging or unclear.)

  6. What intentions do I want to set for this next chapter of my life?
    (Reflect on your goals and desires for the future, grounding them in this transformative period.)

Wishing you providence during this eclipse season dear readers,

Maria & Studio Artemy



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