New Moon in Virgo - Magic Through the Mundane

Written by Aubrey Houdeshell (she/her/hers)
This lunation is a moment to ground yourself back into your body and focus on the routines, rituals, and habits of your daily life. Virgo knows that a little bit of structure goes a long way, and that, inevitably, as humans, we all thrive when we have some structure and purpose each day. Virgo also recognizes the profound impacts taking care of our physical vessels through healthy diet, exercise, and, again, a good self-care routine can have. By creating habits in our lives that feel nourishing and intentional, we can begin to experience magic through the mundane. Indeed, if we are to live a spiritual life of any kind, it is necessary to extend our journey of transformation into our bodies, who are our constant home. As within, so without, afterall.
The leader of this lunation is Mercury, who is still retrograde in Virgo, though it will station direct just 14 hours after the peak of the New Moon. Because the end of Mercury’s retrograde is so close, Mercury is actually stationary at 8°. This phenomenon happens just before and after a planet stations both retrograde and direct. The planet seems to be suspended in time and everything that planet affects can feel like it comes to a grinding halt. It is the pause between breaths where everything exists in a void. There is an interesting duality where stationary planets are concerned. On the one hand, in Traditional Astrology, a stationary planet is considered to be quite weak, since it isn’t doing much. On the other hand, however, the seeming absence of this planet’s effects can be felt quite strongly, amplifying the influence of it. This may be especially true with Mercury in Virgo, where it is considered both to be in domicile and exaltation - the only planet in the zodiac to hold this dual characterization. As we reach the finish line of this Mercury Retrograde transit, what is a stationary Mercury putting a punctuation mark on in your life?
The Sun and Moon also reach out to Uranus, currently retrograde itself, in Taurus. As the Sun illuminates our inner caverns that are begging for change, Uranus offers a helping hand. Wherever we experience the Uranian influence, there are often moments of surprise. This can feel electrifying and exciting, but it may also feel a bit shocking. Because of all the heavy retrograde energy at this New Moon, the insights, revelations, and surprise may come on a more internal level than anything else. However, keep in mind that retrograde energy never manifests the way we expect it to, so, especially where Uranus is involved, you just never know.
As you take the time to reflect on everything you’ve learned over the past month or so from Mercury (and, probably, Venus Retrograde as well) which cycles are you finally ready to break? Where do you crave something different in your day-to-day life, and how can you take the necessary action to give yourself that now? Remember: we are what we consistently do. If you’re looking for more magic in your life, you need to create it.
Journal Prompts for the New Moon in Virgo:
About Aubrey Houdeshell
For about 4 years she's been building and running her Tarot and Astrology business, Graveyard Roses. The focus of her work is centered around Evolutionary Astrology and helping people acquire the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to be empowered in their lives and to embrace their Karmic callings that are ultimately meant to help each of us grow and evolve into our fullest selves.
You can connect with Aubrey on
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