New Moon in Libra
union, balance, reciprocation, mindfulness
“I am finding peace within myself and healing my relationships by welcoming open and honest communication."
The New Moon in Libra will reach its peak at 2º of the sign only a couple of days after the Fall Equinox, where we celebrate the beginning of a new season and the balance between light and shadows.
There’s something subtle yet striking about this New Moon. Both the Sun and the Moon will draw an inferior opposition to Jupiter in Aries. Whilst it’s true things aren’t black or white, you’re allowed to have an opinion and express your preferences, by being comfortable with the fact your opinion may ruffle some feathers without that creating an internal conflict.
Mercury retrograde has slipped back into its dignified and exalted sign of Virgo and during this New Moon will meet the planet Venus (Libra’s ruler) currently at 27º as both sit on an exact conjunction with the Fixed Star Alkaid. Every Mercury retrograde is different, that is why I advise clients to not to pay too much attention to what they read online because the information shared about Mercury retrograde tends to be very superficial and vague.
This time, Mercury returns to its dignification offering us a different perspective and a second opportunity to evaluate what has happened in the previous month of August. This is an invitation to revise old patterns and become more analytical. Perhaps there is something important you need to communicate with someone, or something you started back then and has not given you the results you expected. The Fixed Star Alkaid is known to share the same nature as the planet Mars according to Ptolemy, quiet and prudent but also revengeful and bitter when enraged.
As we are officially in Libra season, the Sun is at fall when in the sign of the scales, meaning its energy shifts from being self-centered to benevolent. Venus in Virgo can sometimes force us to obsess over the small details, and focus on an idealistic vision which may work against our favour.
The New Moon in Libra is creating balance between those forces, inviting us to ponder both the good and the bad equally. Whilst it’s true things aren’t black or white, you’re allowed to have an opinion and express your preferences. The underlying lesson behind this lunation is learning to be comfortable with the fact your opinion may ruffle some feathers without creating an internal conflict.
This New Moon in Libra is offering us a different perspective on how to find balance within our relationships by taking ownership over our lives instead of seeking approval, teaching us how to honour ourselves while also being mindful of others. You can deeply appreciate someone yet disagree with them. The New Moon will create an activation on the XV Mansion, which is often connected with material gain, affluence and prosperity. I like to see this as a sign to question whether our relationships are currently adding some value to our lives by reinforcing our vision or if these are, on the other hand, bringing us down and why.
For many, this lunation would mean the opportunity to find resolution within a conflict. For others, this New Moon in Libra is going to present itself as a form of healing through forgiveness and acceptance.
Not all of our relationships are meant to work out. I once read a quote that has stroke with me over the years (and you know something is meaningful if you never forget about it) which reads ‘relationships are here for a reason, a season or a lifetime’ which has helped easing the pain in having to part ways with someone for me, and I hope now it helps you to see relationships a bit differently.
The malefic planets Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius are currently on a positive reception, offering an opportunity a new mindset to be born. By creating resistance towards our pain and discomfort we will never be able to move forward. However, if we welcome acceptance, we understand life has many phases we must go through, whether these are painful or blissful.
Here are some journaling prompts for this New Moon in Libra, feel free to use tarot or oracle cards to guide your journaling experience if you need to:
✦ How can I welcome more communication in my relationships?
✦ How can I learn to express my feelings without it becoming a personal burden?
✦ What do I currently value the most in my relationships?
✦ What area should I work more on when it comes to my relationships?
✦ What people in my life inspire me?
✦ What issues am I currently facing in my relationship sector (personal or platonic)?
✦ How does that conflict make me feel?
✦ What is the root of that conflict and what can help me end that discomfort?
✦ Am I comfortable speaking my truth? If not, how can I find ways to help me to do so more often?
New Moon blessings beautiful souls
With love, Maria x
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